
Slowing Down and Living Meaningfully

DSC_4050 copyWhen I decide to do something, I do it. I assume it’s a symptom of my Type A personality, my need to feel in control, and/or my fear of having regrets, but it’s a drive that I’m grateful for. It’s the reason I started teaching, sang at open mic nights for years, and wrote two books, all of which freaked me out immensely, but paid off in huge ways.

Having said that, I promised myself that as I approached 30, and lived out my 30th year, that I would take a few more leaps (that may sound easier, but I guarantee you were just as scary). I promised to slow down, work less, sleep better, work out more, spend time with friends and loved ones, and seek out new adventures. I’d thought about these goals again and again in my late 20s, and since then I’ve been looking forward to this new chapter.

So far these plans have been in motion for a year or so (I got a head start toward the tail end of 29), and here’s what I’ve got so far:

  1. I’m back at the gym on a regular basis, and it feels pretty great.
  2. I quit one of my teaching jobs, which was emotionally difficult, but it has eased my mind, given me back 30 hours a weeks, and allowed me to slow down.
  3. I discovered meditation, which has helped me sleep like a normal person, about 8 hours a night.
  4. I now have a little garden of lettuce and chives which reminds me to enjoy the simple things
  5. I’m in the midst of planning quite a few big and small trips.

As far as discovering new adventures, and spending time with friends and loved ones is concerned:

  1. I booked a trip to Thailand with my sister (a trip I’ve thought about for years).
  2. My husband and I have been having weekly game nights and outdoor movie nights with friends (which is ridiculously fun).
  3. My parents have started coming over on Friday evenings for some good conversation.
  4. I have plans to go wedding dress shopping with my college roommate (and one of my favorite people) next month after she and another best friend from college spend a weekend at my new house.
  5. I’ve been having really amazing, weekly 4-hour-long talks with a good friend at our favorite Thai food restaurant (although sometimes 4 hours just isn’t enough, but it’s only open from 11-3 pm so we do our best).

It’s amazing how we can get caught up in the whirlwind of life, running out of time, our minds racing, without even realizing what we’re sacrificing. As Americans, making the decision to live a slower life with richer meaning is surprisingly difficult, and also not particularly accepted in our busy society. However, after you take the initial plunge (which I promise you is filled with doubt and fear for a few weeks until you come out on the other side), you’ll wonder what you were afraid of in the first place.

On my end, so far so good. I’m appreciating having more balance back in my life, the people in it, and the adventures to come.

Happy living, and live well :).

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